Dear residents,
As your Resident Advocate, I write to you with a report on a meeting I have had today with our CEO, Gary.
I approached Gary and asked what learnings, if any, came from our recent lockdown. Gary shared with me that the staff are going to improve their preparations for any future outbreaks and do some training in how they care for residents.
As I have reported recently, we have Loretta working here for the next few weeks assisting Eventide Homes to make those improvements. Loretta works closely with the Aged Care Commission too, so we are in good hands to achieve things that Gary outlined to me.
On behalf of another resident, I also asked Gary whether the experiment of allowing Warne House residents to move between different parts of the building in any way contributed to the COVID outbreak. Gary advised me that the experiment ceased about 4-6 weeks before the outbreak, so they are not connected.
It is lovely to be free again after the lockdown, and residents certainly are smiling and pleased to be seeing each other again. We have resumed our normal lives, which means we can go on trips and visits outside of Eventide. However, Gary says there is still a lot of COVID in the community and he encourages us to wear masks whenever we are out and about in the community. I think that is very wise advice.
Our next Residents Meetings is 1:45pm on Monday 12 September 2022, in Glyn Cashin Hall. I will send a reminder closer to the date, but all residents are invited to attend and ask questions, or make suggestions, about our care and living here. If you wish, I am happy to speak on your behalf at the meeting – please just ask me or send a note to me at Grampians Room 12.
Stay well, and God Bless you all.
Rod Tonkin Gary Simpson
Resident Advocate CEO