Eventide Homes recently hosted our 68th Annual General Meeting in the Glyn Cashin Hall. Residents were very happy to attend the event in person this year and catch up with Directors from our Board of Governance and listen to the reports for the 2021/2022 year.
Staff Awards were presented to long serving staff in recognition of their service to Eventide Homes. The evening concluded with a delicious supper.
The AGM was also broadcast direct to Eventide Channel 101 for residents who wished to view the meeting comfortably in their own rooms.
Due to current regulations Staff, Volunteers, Stakeholders and Friends and Family of Eventide were able to view the AGM via zoom webinar.
Please click here https://eventidehomes.com.au/…/Eventide-Homes-Annual… to view the 2021 Annual Report or alternatively you can contact us on (03) 5358 2027 to obtain a hard copy.